How Much Light Does a Monstera Need?

You may know it as a Swiss Cheese Plant but the correct name is Monstera plant. It is a tropical plant that hails from the rainforests of Central and Southern America. In its natural location, a Monstera gets indirect light…

Do Plants Have Feelings?

Do Plants Have Feelings?

This comes up as a question more often than you might think. Often amid whispers that some mad scientists did an experiment on carrots and found they scream when they are pulled out of the ground. This form of plant…

Plants With Red Stems In Detail

Plants With Red Stems

Do you need to identify some plants that you’ve discovered with red stems? Then we’ve got a quick guide to some of the most common for you. Phytolacca Americana (AKA Pokeweed) This plant grows in most regions of America and…

When To Mist Your Houseplants

Indoor plants must be watered if you want them to thrive, this is pretty obvious as it doesn’t rain indoors. However, it’s not so clear as to whether or not you should mist your plants too, whether misting houseplants is…

PlantLife App Review

plant app

Some days, we think it’s impossible to be happier than we are with life, right now, but then something comes along that says “life can always be better”. This week, we learned about PlantLife and had one of those amazing…

Perennial Vegetables Guide For 2022

Perrennial Vegetables

Nearly 40 percent of American households, that’s 33 million houses, grow some or all of their own vegetables.  If you’re intending to join them or you’re already underway with your self-sufficiency project, you need to start growing perrenial vegetables. They’re…