Free Garden Catalogs For 2023

Free Garden Catalogs For 2022

If you love your garden, you love the thought of putting new plants in that garden and where do we get our ideas from?

Garden and seed catalogs, of course!

But isn’t print dead?

No. No, it most definitely isn’t.

You can’t beat curling up on the couch with an actual seed catalog rather than endlessly swiping at a smartphone screen.

So, we’ve picked the best places to request a free seed catalog in hard copy form to share with you.

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

The Baker Creek seed catalog is a great representation of this company which specializes in heirloom seeds.

This company is among our recommendations for vegetable seeds too.

They seed and plant each of these seeds on their trial farm out in Missouri.

We like their Instagram account too which is great for seeing how these seeds will look when fully grown.

Of course, if you can’t wait for your seeds to grow, you can always try these online nurseries and plant delivery services to see if you can get yours fully grown!

Check it out here.

Botanical Interests

Not only is their seed catalog awesome but the packaging on their seeds is amazing too!

You get a lovely artist’s rendition of what the final plant will look like plus a detailed information sheet on how to make sure the seeds thrive throughout their lifetime.

There are over 600 seeds featured in the free catalog and they offer a good mix of native, organic, and heirloom species.

Check it out here.

Fedco Seeds Catalog

This catalog is from one of our favorite seed companies (because it’s a fully functioning cooperative venture that allows workers to fully share in the profits earned from the seeds in its catalog).

And if you’re looking for plants that can handle the cold, you can’t do better than their seeds either. They also have some fantastic short-season seeds.

Check it out here.

Pinetree Garden Seeds

Pinetree has been in business for nearly 40 years and they not only send out a catalog for free, but they often include some free seeds too!

They have great germination rates, in our experience, and we love their full-color catalog when it comes through in the mail.

Check it out here.

Kitazawa Seed Company

This is a territorial seed catalog that only catalogs plants and seeds from Asia. They have a huge selection in their various catalogs and we’ve found them to be ultra-reliable and to deliver very high-quality gardening supplies.

Free catalogs don’t get much better than this (and you can always order a PDF backup copy too if you want).

This is why online gardening has become so essential in recent years. Getting a seed plant has never been easier.

Check it out here.

Seed Savers Exchange

This non-profit has an amazing catalog as they maintain the nation’s largest non-governmental bank of seeds!

If you’re in their area, we strongly recommend that you visit them and grab your catalog while you’re there as they have an amazing display garden and farm!

Otherwise, catalogs are available for free on their website.

Check it out here.

High Mowing Organic Seeds

We like High Mowing’s online catalogs and free print versions for our gardening needs because they supply 100% organic and non-GMO verified seeds.

If you want to plant bulbs or fruit trees or just a flower or two, you can be certain that nothing from their nursery will be genetically modified.

We wish every nursery would follow their example, there’s really no need for tulip bulbs or burgess seed to be genetically modified, is there?

They also include a nice set of “personal profiles” in the catalog and they feature gardeners, growers, etc. around the nation who use their bulbs and seeds.

Check it out here.

Filaree Garlic Farm

This online company is a bit different as they focus all their efforts not on vegetables and flowers but on garlic, onion, shallots, asparagus, and potatoes!

They make planting so easy that we can’t wait for spring to come around so that we can place our next order with them.

Check it out here.

Final Thoughts

A free catalog is, in our opinion, the hallmark of a good seed company and it is seed catalogs that have made us such keen gardeners over the years.

The seed catalogs listed here are all easy to obtain and should help you do more than keep your gardens alive but instead, it should see them thrive.

Why not request your free seed catalog, today, from each of these companies? Then, you could be leafing through your free catalog this weekend and plotting improvements for your garden!

You may also want to check out White Flower Farm (White flower farm) and Wayside Gardens (Wayside gardens) if you can’t find what you want in these free catalog options as they also have a catalog you can get for free.

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